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  • Writer's pictureCMBD Vietnam

Fact vs. Opinion

Updated: May 28, 2018

Have you ever got stuck in an argument on social media where everyone seems to be reasonable but no one agrees with one another? Have you ever been misled by an illogical and biased article? Chances are you confused opinions with facts.

How can we differentiate them? A fact is a statement that can be verified objectively as true or false. An opinion, while can be based on facts, expresses or implies feelings and therefore cannot be proven. Your opinions are your own truth, not necessarily others’.

It is time-consuming and unprofessional to dwell on opinions in a debate. Being deluded by subjective, opinion-based news and commentary is even more dangerous. Isn’t it too difficult to save ourselves from wasting time jumping into meaningless argument or being deceived by others’ ideology? Not really. Next time you read something, try asking yourself whether the facts are reliable or whether the opinions are based on the facts.

Can you tell which one is a fact, which one is an opinion between these two?

_ John Adams was from Massachusetts and he was the smartest President.

_ George Washington was the first President of the United States


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